Hobby Steamboating Meets & Events
Friday, March 1, 2013
Event Title: Harris Chain of Lakes Steamboat Meet
Where: Wooton Park public dock, Tavares, Florida (http://www.visittavares.com/images/tavaresmap.jpg)
Friday, March 1, 2013
Lots of steamboats, lots of cruising, lots of nice folks equals lots of fun, food and fellowship, whether you bring a boat or not.
Contact: Clarence or Gayle Myers, 615 Juniper Way, Tavares, Florida 32778, 419.367.1018 or 419.350.7663 - Please RSVP if planning to attend.
Event Title: 2nd Annual Steam Meet and Technical Conference
Where: Aerospace Museum of California, 3200 Freedom Park Drive, McClellan (Sacramento), CA.
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Steam Auto Club of America (SACA), and International Association for the Advancement of Steam Power (IAASP) are co-hosting this conference at the Aerospace Museum of California, 3200 Freedom Park Drive, McClellan (Sacramento), CA.. SACA and IAASP are bringing together modern steam power pioneers from the U.S. and around the world. The gathering also welcomes steam automobile owners and developers, modern steam locomotive experts, small steam power plant developers and manufacturers, and other steam power pioneers, engineers, and enthusiasts. Details (prices, agenda, etc.) are available at http://iaasp.org/conference.html - click on the Event Title for directions and map.
Note: This event is more of a technical conference about modern steam, than a traditional steam meet. That said, they tell me that several "local steamboat people" attended last year and really seemed to enjoy themselves.